Our Mission
The Camden-Frontier School community including staff, students, parents and stakeholders will provide a foundation of educational opportunities that enable all students to succeed in our changing society.
Our Vision
All Camden-Frontier students will be responsible for achieving academic, social and workplace competencies and for becoming life-long learners.
Belief Statements
In the intrinsic value of every human being.
That all human beings are responsible for their choices through educational guidance.
That all people have the capacity and responsibility to learn.
That education adds value to life.
That all people must be able to collaborate and function in a global society.
That learning is an active process of doing, cooperating, reflecting, connecting and growing.
That school must be a caring, safe, and respectful environment.
That the educational community's responsibility is to facilitate the process of learning.
The instructor is the facilitator of learning.
The building level administrator is the leader of instructors.
District level administrators and the board of education are coalition builders with district stakeholders and other stewards of the public trust and resources - all with a common focus on children and their achievement.